Vermont Fabric, Arts and Craft Resources:

Garment Fabric and Sewing Supplies:

Stash, Burlington

Notion, Montpelier


Quilting Fabric and Sewing Supplies:

Yankee Pride, Essex Junction

Notion, Montpelier

Quilters Corner - Middlebury Sew and Vac, Middlebury

Quilters Garden, Montpelier

Water Wheel House, Londonderry


Home Decor:

Joy of Home, South Burlington


Sandbox, Burlington


Second-hand Arts and Craft Supplies:

The Makery, Burlington

ReMarketVT, St Albans


Sewing Schools:

Little Bird Sewing Studio, Williston

Continuing Thred, Burlington

Stash, Burlington

Sandbox, Burlington


Must Love Yarn, Shelburne

Northeast Fiber Arts, Williston

Notion, Montpelier

Hermit Thrush Fiber Co, Bristol

Scratch Supply Co, Lebanon, NH

Junction Fiber Mill, White River Junction

Two Sisters Mill and Mercantile, Jeffersonville

Yarn VT, Waterbury

What A Yarn, St. Albans

Art Supply

Brain Storm Art Supply, Randolph